Happy New Year! The hubs and I actually made it 'till midnight for the first time in a few years. That didn't stop our girls from waking us up bright and early this morning! Ah the joys of parenthood. Yet, I wouldn't have my year start any other way. I'm excited to link up with Farley again this month for the January 2016 edition of Currently!
Listening: Adele. On repeat. 'Nuff said.
Loving: I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the family time I have had with the mister, my girls and my extended family over the last two weeks. I love seeing the girls play with their cousins as I did as a kid. They just all love each other so much!
Thinking: Today, we celebrated the life of a very dear friend who passed far to early to cancer. It was an amazing outpouring of love and support from friends and family. Life is short. Love hard.
Wanting: One of my goals for Winter break was to get together with a couple of my girlfriends that I don't get to see often. We finally have a lunch date planned for Sunday! I'm super excited to see them!
Needing: So, I'm presenting at my first conference later this month (EEKK...so nervous!) and I really need to get my presentation finished! Wish me luck!
One Little Word: BE...be present, be honest, be brave, be real, just be you.
Thanks for stopping in to see what I'm up to Currently!
What are your resolutions for the coming year? Leave them in the comments below!
Then head over to Oh Boy Fourth Grade and see what other teachers are currently up to!